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Looking to add booking software, real estate listing, or some other external service into your website?
With our 3rd-Party Software Integration, you don't have to manage those services, or worry about how to connect them with your website. We will set them up, connect them with your website, and manage them for you!
With this addon, we will maintain you client portal, to ensure your website visitors can login to your website, and that your website stays secure.
Comodo PositiveSSL
This SSL Certificate is free with the purchase of Managed Pro WP Hosting!
This SSL Certficate is your basic Domain Validated SSL certificate. This inexpensive SSL certificate is good for securing a personal website or blog that doesn't collect large amounts of user information. This certificate is usually issued within 15 minutes as you only need to verify you own the domain. It comes with a $10,000 warranty, and is accepted by 99.9% of web browsers. It has encryption up to 256 bit.
Comodo EssentialSSL
This SSL Certificate is best for small business websites and larger websites that do minor e-commerce transactions that don't have payment information collected on the site. This certificate is usually issued within 15 minutes as you only need to verify you own the domain. It comes with a $10,000 warranty, and is accepted by 99.9% of web browsers. It has encryption up to 256 bit.
Comodo InstantSSL
This is an affordable professional SSL Certificate which validates that you own both the domain and the business. This certificate provides additional assurance to your customers by assuring them that your website is legitimate. This certificate is a suitable for any business or e-commerce website that accepts payments directly on the site, or websites that collect personal information. This certificate is typically issued within 1-3 business days as you need to verify you own the domain and the business. It comes with a $50,000 warranty, and is accepted by 99.9% of web browsers. It has encryption up t o256 bit.
Comodo PremiumSSL
The PremiumSSL is designed for large business and high-volume high-value e-commerce transactions. With a Dynamic TrustLogo and business verification, your customers will know they can trust you an your site.Â
This certificate is designed or any large e-commerce website that accepts payments directly on the site, or websites that collect personal information. This certificate is typically issued within 2-5 business days as you need to verify you own the domain and the business. It comes with a large $250,000 warranty, and is accepted by 99.9% of web browsers. It has best-in-class encryption, up to 256 bit.
Comodo EV SSL
This Extended Validation SSL Certificate provides the highest level of of security SSL certificates can provide. This certificate displays your verified company name in the certificate details. This certificate uses SHA2 and ECC encryption, which is the strongest possible encryption available, to secure all interactions on your website. This certificate is perfect for websites storing sensitive customer information and e-commerce websites storing customers payment information. This certificate also features the TrustLogo Site Seal for user trust.
This certificate is typically issued within 5-7 business days as you need to verify you own the domain and the business. It comes with a large $1 million warranty, and is accepted by 99.9% of web browsers. It has best-in-class encryption, up to 256 bit.